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Thursday 23 March 2023

How Do I Learn AWS Cloud Computing In 2 Months

 Learning AWS cloud computing in 2 months is an ambitious goal, but it is possible with a dedicated effort and a structured approach. 

AWS is a vast field, and it cannot be learned completely in just 8 hours. According to me If you have a full-time job and other commitments, it may take around 80 hours or two months to learn AWS. However, if you are entirely new to AWS, you may need around 120 hours or three months to prepare.

To get started with AWS, start with the basics and then progress to the Solutions Architect - Associate Learning Path. The time it takes to learn AWS may depend on your previous experience with it, as well as your efforts and hardwork.

Here's a to-do list for learning AWS Cloud Computing:

  • Define your learning goals: Decide on what you want to learn, such as AWS services, cloud architecture, security, or cost optimization.

  • Choose the right resources: Look for online/ Classroom courses to learn AWS Cloud Computing.

Technogeeks is the best place to learn AWS Cloud Computing.The curriculum at Technogeeks is designed to help students complete their AWS Training certification, and it will also help to crack the international exam AWS Solutions Architect. At the same time, the purpose of the AWS training course is to help prepare for real-world challenges in an ever-changing IT landscape.

  • Set up an AWS account: Create an AWS account to access the AWS console, services, and tools.

  • Learn the basics: The best practice to learn AWS is Start with the AWS fundamentals and then progress to the more advanced topics. Learn about cloud computing, AWS infrastructure, and basic AWS services.

  • Practice hands-on: To gain hands-on experience with AWS features, you can use a sandbox environment. You can experiment with different AWS services without worrying about costs by utilizing the AWS free tier.

  • Join AWS communities: Connect with others learning AWS, ask questions, and get feedback. Participate in AWS forums, user groups, and meetups.

  • Prepare for certification: Consider taking an AWS certification exam to validate your skills and knowledge. Choose the certification that aligns with your career goals.

  • Keep learning: Stay up to date with new AWS services and features by reading blogs, attending webinars, and following AWS events. 

By following these steps, you can learn AWS Cloud Computing and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to work with AWS services effectively.

If You Interested In Learning More About AWS Click Here For More Details.