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Wednesday, 19 June 2019

How is big data and Hadoop related?

The Bigdata and Hadoop are closely related. Big Data and Hadoop are related to one another, but both are not alike. Bigdata is a problem and Hadoop are solution of that problem.
The Bigdata is nothing but huge amount of data. Big data is generally in terms of Petabytes and it even includes lots of data which comes daily. Big data possess regular entry of data like attendance record of employees in organizations and companies. It also keeps records of social network websites such as images, likes, videos and shares. It regularly keeps adding data to the already existing huge data. It is not so easy to store Big data in a single space as it would require lots of space.
Big Data and Hadoop
Before Hadoop the data was stored in traditional data storage system i.e., RDBMS. But RDBMS could store only structured data which added limitations to its efficiency. The vast scale unstructured data couldn’t be stored in RDBMS. So, Hadoop emerged as a solution to this problem. HDFS which is Hadoop’s storage layer can reliably store any kind of data on massive scale. It is helpful for the storage of increasing data. Hadoop stores all kinds of data and it stores tremendous data. Even it efficiently processes huge amount of data.
Means Hadoop splits and stores big data in multiple servers and when necessary fetch that data from those multiple servers and show them as a single one.